Purchase Notes

  • This store only sells natural crystals. Crystal is a natural ore, and it is normal to have cotton wool, ice cracks, mineral spots, mine holes, and mineral patterns. Please pay attention before buying.
  • Crystal photos may have slight chromatic aberration problems due to shooting under different light. Our store will shoot crystals with different angles and light in order to minimize the chromatic aberration problem.
  • This shop will only take pictures for the crystal lights, and will never color the pictures.
  • The shop may revise these terms and conditions from time to time and publish updated versions of the terms and conditions on this website without notice to you and without any explanation. You should check regularly for amendments to these terms and conditions. If the relevant terms and conditions have been revised, you must comply with the updated terms and conditions.
  • All items will be dispatched within one week after receipt.
  • There is a risk of loss of goods shipped by local surface mail.
  • The shop is not responsible for any lost shipments.
  • The shop is not responsible for any damage to the goods due to any shipping method.
  • All content on this website, including images and their arrangement, is the property of our shop.
  • All contents of this website cannot be copied, modified or stored on your server or files without authorization, and our shop reserves all rights to investigate and do so.